Grace at Pink MicI think it was my 5th miscarriage. To tell you the truth, I’ve had so many I can’t remember which one it was…

It had been a very long day. My body felt as if it had been through the war, probably because it had, and I just wanted to escape the cold and antiseptic, unkind smell of the hospital. My husband went to retrieve the car while the nurse was finishing filling out the discharge papers when yet another unfamiliar person in scrubs pulled back the curtain and entered my room.

I don’t remember her face or the sound of her voice. I don’t know if she was a doctor, nurse, or a member of the janitorial staff. However, I do know this: She was an encourager and God sent her.

I was sitting in a wheelchair. She bent down to face me at eye level and said, “You’ve been here before and you’ve made it. You’ll make it again. You’re going to be alright.”

I needed that reminder, because I couldn’t fathom what I was going do next. I honestly didn’t know how I was going to wake up the next morning and manage to function normally. But she reminded me that I had done it before, and I could do it again.

At that moment, it was as if Jesus Himself let me know He was right there with me. He carried me before and He would carry me again. I would wake up the next day, and I wouldn’t do it alone. His mercy would be new just like it had always been before.

Many of us are facing difficult situations that cause us to need a “mystery person” to walk through the door. We need encouragement. However, there is a danger zone to this. We are so desperately in need of encouragement that we forget to encourage.

You will never regret looking past your own pain to speak life to someone who needs it. (Tweet that.)

The mystery person, who walked into my hospital room, on that very dark day, will always live in my mind as one of my greatest encouragers. I will never know her name but she marked me with her kind words. And we ALL have an opportunity to do the same.

Sometimes, being the giver of encouragement feeds our weary souls more so than if we had been the receiver. (Tweet that.)

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be so wrapped up in my own world that I can’t encourage someone who needs my voice. I want Christ to use me. I want to be available for Him to work through me.

We all have problems. Every single one of us is battling something. Do not allow your voice to be silenced by your pain. Speak up to encourage someone else. There is a beautiful soul out there who needs to hear your words, to see your smile, and to witness your kind heart.

Are you allowing your voice to be silenced? When was the last time you reached beyond your own pain to encourage someone else? I want to hear your story!



Coffee-for-Your-Heart-150Today, I’m linking up with Holley Gerth for the Coffee for your Heart Encouragement challenge!



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